Why bike?
Considering the old adage “it’s as easy as riding a bike” has been said for decades, the general knowledge of riding a bike appears to be universal. If you don’t know how to ride a bike yet, it’s never too late to learn! Why should you? Well, the benefits of riding a bike are truly endless:
It is a multipurpose workout, cycling works more then just your legs, but your core and arms as well
Cycling improves your strength and flexibility, toning you muscles as you have fun
Riding on two wheels helps with coordination and balance
Biking, like most physical activity, improves mental health!
Improves the environment, helping cut your carbon footprint
Saves you money— less gas used is less gas bought!
The American Heart Association recommends an average of 150 minutes of aerobic exercise to increase heart health. Aerobic or “cardio” focused workouts are any activity that increases your heart rate in a moderate way, for example “cycling slower than 10 miles per hour” or going faster to increase intensity. An intense aerobic workout should be done for at least 75 minutes a week in replacement of the 150 minutes if that if that fits your lifestyle better.
Some benefits of cycling or other cardiovascular exercises include:
A lower risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and high blood pressure
Improves sleep schedule and cognition rate
Less weight gain and chronic illness symptoms
Biking safely on Long Island
When you hit the road on your bike, always remember that safety comes first! According to the Institute of Traffic Safety Management and Research (ITSMR), there were 727 total bicycle crashes in 2023 across both Nassau and Suffolk county, resulting in 9 fatalities. So far in 2024, we have had 13 reported bicycle crashes on Long Island, with no reported fatalities. As a community, our goal should be how to benefit our health while remaining safe, here are some tips to keep you safe on two wheels:
Always wear a helmet with the inclusion of a form of reflective gear if riding early or late when visibility might be low, bright colors always!
Safety in Numbers – try to ride in groups of two or more, especially with children
Always signal with your arms if moving right or left, even if you do not see any vehicles
Be prepared and check your bike and gear before heading out, as well as biking on a pre-planned route or an area you’re familiar with
Ride with the traffic, not against and stay within the legal limits
Always follow the NYS laws in place to protect cyclists
NYS Bike Laws
There are many laws in place that are meant to protect cyclists on our shared roads, like Suffolk County’s three-foot law that made headlines in 2021. Check out the following resources for more information about the bike laws in NYS:
Summary of NYS Bike Laws compiled by the New York Bicycling Coalition
Cycling Laws in New York State and New York City compiled by New York Bike Lawyers
Suggested Safe Bike Riding Rules in Long Island State Parks
With the temperatures rising and summer right around the corner, let’s enjoy Bicycle Safety Month together and cycle safely!
About Walk Safe Long Island (WSLI)
WSLI is a pedestrian and cyclist safety campaign that aims to teach Long Islanders about walking and biking safely through law-based education. WSLI is produced for the New York Coalition for Transportation Safety by the Long Island Health Collaborative, funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration with a grant from the New York State Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee.
New York State is taking numerous measures to tackle the issue of pedestrian and cyclist safety, all of which culminate in the New York State Pedestrian Safety Action Plan (PSAP). The plan emphasizes making streets safer by implementing the “Three Es—” engineering, enforcement, and education. Walk Safe Long Island is part of the third “E,” education.